Using Zoom
Zoom Video Conferencing: ASU provides us with a Zoom account. To register, log in to MyASU: (See the red arrow.) Register for your Zoom account using your ASU email address. Visit for additional download options. Downloading the desktop version of Zoom provides increased accessibility and ease of use.
The functions of Zoom that are essential to your job as a Writing Specialist are described next. There are many other useful (and cool!) features that you can find by playing with the app, or by going to to view tutorials and contact support.

Once you are registered and you have downloaded Zoom to your computer, clicking to open the app brings you to the Home page. This is where you access the main functions of Zoom.
From this page, you can:
• Start a new meeting
• Join a meeting
• Schedule a meeting
• See a list of past and future meetings (green circle)
• Start a chat (red circle)
• Access your list of contacts (blue circle)
• Adjust your settings (yellow circle)

SETTINGS: The desktop version of Zoom contains the basic settings menu. These settings can be accessed from the Home page, as well as on the main meeting screen.

ADVANCED SETTINGS: There are several settings you need to adjust that are only reachable by clicking “View More Settings” at the bottom of this screen (yellow circle). Clicking it will open a new window in your search engine.
Make sure the toggle next to the following items are on (blue) on the “Settings” page that opened:
• Waiting Room
• Embed passcode in invite link for one-click join
• Enable Personal Meeting ID
• Screen sharing (In addition, make sure under “Who can share?” and “Who can start sharing when someone
else is sharing?” you click “Host only.”
There are other settings you may want to change, but these are the only ones necessary to be able to host and join your meeting room conferences.

NEW MEETING: There are two options for you to join videoconferences in your meeting room:
• Click the dropdown menu next to “New Meeting” on the Home page. Make sure “Start with video” and “Use My Personal
Meeting ID (PMI) are clicked. Then, click the orange “New Meeting” icon.
• Go to the “Join Conference” page on our website, and click on your photo.

NEW MEETING (Cont.): Immediately after you click to join a new meeting, a window will open asking “Open Zoom Meetingss?” Click to open, then another window will open asking which form of audio you want to use in the meeting. “Join with Computer Audio?” is the default, but you can change it to “Phone Call” or “Call me” if you choose. “Join with computer audio,” then you will see a screen like with your name or picture.

MICROPHONE AND VIDEO CONTROLS: On the bottom left of the meeting page are the controls for your microphone and video. When these are expanded (by clicking the arrow next to each), you can see the options for audio and visual input.
Make sure that the microphone, speaker, and camera selected are correct so that everything works properly. Some devices do not get automatically selected so you might have to manually select them in this menu.

SCREEN-SHARING: if you would like to share your screen so that your student can see their paper as you review it, click “Share Screen.”

Once you click “Share Screen,” you should see several options for what you can share. (Fig. 7.) The current browser window will show, as will any other app you have open. Select which one you would like the student to see, then click “Share” at the bottom, right of the window.

MANAGING YOUR ZOOM ROOM: Students occasionally attempt to join your meeting room before their meeting time, while you are already in a meeting with another student. In instances like these, you can manage who enters your meeting room using the “Participants” function.

After clicking “Participants,” you will see a list of the participants in your meeting in this window. Move your cursor over a name to manage their presence in your room.

CHAT: Zoom also allows you to chat with participants by selecting the “Chat” option.

Clicking “Chat” will bring up the following window. You can customize whether your message goes out to everyone or to a specific person in the meeting room.

To close your meeting room, select “End.”

JOINING OTHER MEETINGS: If you need to join someone else’s zoom meeting room, select “join” on the Home page. The following window will open.
* If you are joining another Writing Specialist’s meeting, you can also go to the “Join Conference” page on our website: and click on their picture.
* If you were sent a link to a scheduled meeting or a meeting room, you only need to click on that link to join the meeting.

In the search bar, you can either put the zoom meeting room link or ID number provided to you. Zoom also keeps track of the meeting rooms you have joined previously.