POW-C Policies
The Psychology Online Writing Center (POW-C) provides free appointments to discuss writing assignments for online students. The following are our policies related to these appointments:
All appointments are scheduled through our online booking system through our webpage. (If you are enrolled in a class with reserved appointments, please read our Reserved Class Appointments Policies.)
Appointments can be scheduled at least 24 hours and, at most, seven days in advance.
Students needing more than 10 pages reviewed must contact the POW-C at least 48 hours before the desired appointment time.
POW-C staff will assess the availability of appointments and determine if back-to-back sessions can be scheduled to accommodate the extra review time.
Please note that students are not allowed to book two consecutive appointments for extended review without prior POW-C approval. This is contingent upon the availability of writing specialists and the specific timing of requested appointments.
POW-C staff will notify students of the outcome of their request, and only if availability is confirmed will the additional pages be accepted for review.
Students may hold only one appointment slot at any time per class for which they are enrolled.
Students are allowed a maximum of two appointments per week per class for which they are enrolled (dependent upon the POW-C schedule). The second appointment may be scheduled upon the conclusion of the first.
Appointments are scheduled in MST. Use this link to make sure you have the correct time https://time.is/MST.
Upon scheduling your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email that details all of these instructions, as well as providing your Writing Specialist's name and email address. If you choose a 1:1 Video Conference appointment, your confirmation email will also include your Writing Specialist's Zoom meeting room address.
All papers must be submitted to your Writing Specialist at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.
Students are allowed to submit a maximum of 10 pages of written material for review per appointment. This 10-page limit excludes the title page and references.
If a student wishes to submit more than 10 pages for review, they must obtain prior approval from POW-C staff. To request approval, students are required to email the POW-C at asupowc@gmail.com.
Papers must be submitted in either a Word document (preferable) or a pdf. (If available, please include instructor/CA notes, assignment instructions, and rubric.)
You may submit your paper as a "work in progress" and continue to work on it after you submit it to your Writing Specialist.
If you are scheduling a 1:1 appointment to brainstorm or to ask non-paper-specific questions, you do not need to submit a paper to your assigned Writing Specialist. Please describe your intent for your appointment in the Intake Form when you schedule your appointment so that your Writing Specialist is aware.
If you are participating in the session for class credit (aka it's mandatory), then you do need to submit an assignment first.
Prior to your appointment, you must download Zoom and create an account (*with your ASU email).
Be on time for your appointment. If you are more than 10 minutes late, your appointment will be canceled and you will need to schedule a new appointment.
If you can not make your appointment, please notify your writing specialist and cancel the appointment using the link on your confirmation email at least 24 hours before your scheduled time.
Three or more late cancellations/late rescheduling (less than 24 hrs prior to appointment), or "No Shows" during the course of a session may result in the loss of the privilege of scheduling appointments.
There are two ways to meet with your Writing Specialist in their Zoom meeting room.
Go to your confirmation email and click the Zoom meeting room link.
Go to POW-C Join Conference and click on the photo of your Writing Specialist.
Treat your Writing Specialist with respect. They will provide you with guidance and resources, but they will not rewrite your paper. Put effort into learning how to improve your writing by answering questions posed by your Writing Specialist, as well as asking questions of your own.